Conscious Parenting in 2020 | Alternative Living
Conscious P A R E N T I N G ?!
Start with yourself. We must face all our faults and try to work on ourselves before we parent our children. Our kids are our biggest teachers. They will test your patience, your groundedness, your rules. In the midst of the chaos, how do you remain conscious? They are just children and adults expect kids to be perfect. Yet, these adults have not done their own inner work. If we, as adults, can't keep calm during traffic, poor weather, arguments, then we can't teach the tools necessary for our children to do so either.
Everything I need to work on, I see in Apollo. My temper, separation-issues, and need for control. If the universe didn't tell me I need to work on myself enough, the universe put it out there that I need to put in more effort in myself so my son doesn't follow in my footsteps.
Along with those traits, I see the beautiful traits that Apollo has taken on. He is empathetic and knows exactly when you need love. His love language is physical touch and will give you all the hugs and kisses. He loves movement and expressing himself in unique ways.
Our children are our future. When we do the work on ourselves, these little beings witness that. They are a sponge to everything that is around them. Devyn + I constantly inform Apollo the whys of the world but eventually, we'll want Apollo to learn from the world so that he can create his own thoughts & opinions that make up his own belief system. One thing that we want to make sure we instill is L O V E. Conscious parenting starts with reparenting ourselves & giving love to our inner child.
Our little man is a LIGHT & he is our future. I love you Apollo-Ronin!
Images capture by Bokeh Buddha - Zoe Jaye