Welcome to the Yoniverse.
You have entered a safe, sacred space— the Yoniverse. Your yoni is the portal to the womb, the creative center.
Connected to the sacral chakra, this is where we birth new life, creation, and so much more. This energy center is connected to our sensuality, sexuality, creativity, fertility, connections to others.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
But in our wombs; we can also carry anger, resentment, stress, stagnation, and our past traumas. The act of yoni steaming is not only physical, but it is an emotional and spiritual practice to tap into the subtle body.
When you come into ceremony to steam, not only do you improve blood circulation, clear out any toxins, but it is a sacred time to release any energy or trauma that no longer serves you.
Are you ready to take healing ceremonies to the next level? Let’s take it to our portals, the Yoniverse.
how to yoni steam
yoni steam guided meditation
featured ritual tool
Womb Wisdom flower essence:
Alchemized with the vibrational essence of hibiscus, rose, and rose quartz, this elixir was formulated to support you in embodying your sensual power and exploring the wisdom of your womb.
Your invitation: Keep your essence at your sacred space/altar. Take a few drops ritually as you are called to over the next 30 days. Affirm an intention for yourself with each exploration of this essence. Trust what you are shown.
Inside your essence...
Hibiscus: Hibiscus helps us feel delighted in expressing ourselves through sexuality,
sensuality and pleasure. Hibiscus is known to work with the Hawaiian goddess Pele and helps women, in particular, embody their creative energy & power. Hibiscus helps us honor, love, and enjoy our bodies as we explore a healthy engagement and assertiveness in our innate sexuality.
Rose: The Red Rose encourages the attunement of love to the highest spiritual level. Roses also activate the solar codes of Shiva (divine masculine energy) to ignite the wild fiery, sensual side of our personality and balance our divine feminine essence.
“Dany's yoni steams perfectly combine her ancestral wisdom with her modern approach. She creates a safe environment where you instantly feel apart of a community. Witnessing her claim her power through owning her narrative invited me to do the same.” - Jessenia Galvan-Lloyd, Yoni Steam Ceremony Attendee